Question No. 14
W: How can you like science fiction movies?
M: Well, the special effects are great.
W: What? They’re all fake!
M: You know, many old movies introduced things we’re using now, like computers and satellites.
W: True, but the plots are so similar and boring.
M: Actually, most of them deal with social issues.
W: I doubt that.
Question No. 15
M: What should we get for the members who are leaving the club?
W: Every year we get them boxes of chocolates.
M: How about coffee cups this year?
W: Or we could just have a nice farewell party.
M: Hmm, or maybe flowers?
W: I don’t know. Maybe we should just follow tradition.
M: OK.
Question No. 16
W: Our city should host the Olympics.
M: Uh-uh, it’d be too crowded.
W: Maybe, but they would have a good economic effect.
M: The economy’s fine as it is.
W: Think about it. It’d be like one huge party.
M: No thanks. It would be difficult to maintain public safety.
W: Well, your mind’s already made up.
M: Yup.
Questions No. 17 to 19
M: Did you know that in 100 years or so up to 90% of the world’s languages could be endangered?
W: No way! How many languages are there now?
M: According to this report, there are more than 6,000 languages.
W: I bet Europe has a lot of languages.
M: Well yeah, 239. But it only ranks fifth among the six regions in the world.
W: How about the Pacific? Aren’t there a lot of languages in that area?
M: That’s right. It has 1,310 languages.
W: What part of the world has the most languages? Is it the area with the most countries?
M: Not necessarily.
W: Is it Africa?
M: Close. That’s the second most diverse area.
W: Oh, I know. Asia.
M: Yeah, the report says Asia has almost twice as many languages as the Pacific. Here, look.
W: Ah, and South America has the smallest number of languages.
M: But North America has about 900.
【解答】 2010年度 追試験 第3問
問14 ② 問15 ①
問16 ②
問17 ② 問18 ①
問19 ⑥