
Question No. 14
W: Let’s take a taxi to the theater. It’s too far to walk to the bus stop.
M: But that would be kind of expensive. How about taking the train?
W: Well, we’d have to change trains three times.
M: Oh, that’s right. Let’s go with your idea then.
Question No. 15
M: How’re your Japanese lessons going, Tina?
W: OK, Grandpa, except for writing. I feel like giving up.
M: You should practice every day. Why don’t you keep a diary in Japanese?
W: But I don’t like writing to myself.
M: How about writing letters to your classmates?
W: That’s a good idea. I’ll do that.
Question No. 16
M: It’s a beautiful day. Let’s go fishing.
W: Sounds great, Dad. Oh, before we go to the river, can we take my tennis racket to the shop to get it repaired?
M: But it’s closed because today’s a holiday, remember?
W: Oh yeah, that’s right. OK, let’s go.
Questions No. 17 to 19
W: Hi, Ken. It’s Mom.
M: Oh, hi, Mom. I was just going to call you.
W: How’s your new room?
M: You know it was empty when you saw it, but it looks really different now.
W: Where did you put everything?
M: Well, the bed is on the opposite wall from the door. And my desk is under the big window.
W: And your bookcase?
M: It’s by the bed, under the little window, and on the other side of the bed in the corner is the TV.
W: How about the table?
M: At first, I wanted to put the table in the middle of the room, but I realized there would be more space if I put it against the wall near the door.
W: That sounds good. Oh, but how about the refrigerator?
M: It just fit in the corner farthest from the door, and I put the microwave on top of it.
【解答】 2007年度 本試験 第3問
問14 ② 問15 ④ 問16 ③
問17 ① 問18 ⑤ 問19 ③